Program Questions & Answers
How does the Cooperative Approach work?
A co-operative nursery school is a family project with the parents/guardians and staff all interested in the same venture. Our Executive Board is made up primarily of parent volunteers. Your involvement is welcome and appreciated; so, please consider taking on an executive role
What Holidays does the school recognize?
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Break
Family Day
March Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
If the OCDSB Buses are not running, or if the OCDSB close the schools, then the Nursery School will follow suit and close as well.
What should children wear to nursery school?
We encourage comfortable play clothes for indoor and outdoor activities, well suited for the weather conditions. Clothes should be washable so that your child does not have to worry about getting them dirty.
Each child needs to have a pair of indoor shoes/slippers and an extra change of clothes to be brought in each day in their school bag. Indoor shoes can remain at the school, but all other items will come and go each day.
Anything that is to be taken off – mittens, hats, scarves, sweaters, and especially boots need to be labelled.
During the winter season, please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor clothing (ie. neck-warmers, hats, mittens, snow pants, etc.).
What kinds of snacks should I pack for school?
Each child is responsible for their own snack and drink (labelled water bottle). Any containers used need to be labeled and taken home on a daily basis. We are a peanut/nut-free school, please ensure all snack are peanut/nut free. Please read labels! We do not permit sharing as some children have allergies. If sending grapes, please cut them in half
Does my child need to be toilet trained to attend the school?
No, children do not need to be toilet trained to be able to attend the school. We will encourage the use of the toilet for those children in the process of being trained. An adult will be present to assist in making this endeavor a successful one.
If a child needs to be changed, the teachers will do so. Leave a few spare diapers in your child’s cubby, as well as a complete set of indoor clothing. Please label all items as well as the bag they are to be stored in
How do I alert the school about my child’s allergies?
If your child has an allergy, this needs to be indicated on the registration form. Any allergies will be posted with details stating what the allergy is, the child’s name and an identifying picture, a likely reaction, and follow-up procedures. This information will be posted in each room and in the classroom binder.
Will the school administer medication if required?
If medication is required while a child is at the school, the parent must complete a Medical Authorization Form each time the medication is required. This form can be obtained from the Program Director. In cases of potential emergency such as asthma, anaphylaxis, allergy, parents can complete the Emergency Medication Authorization Form once, indicating the condition under which the medication may be used. Parents must provide permission in writing for the nursery school staff to administer the medication if they see just cause to do so. These medications must be kept in a place that is safe from the hands of children, or carried in a fanny pack by the teacher. Medication must be labeled and in its original container.
What if I can’t afford the fees for the school?
The North Gower Cooperative Nursery School believes that preschool education should be available and accessible to all. The school maintains the lowest possible tuition fees in order to assist all families, including low income families, to gain better access to early childhood education. Volunteer cooperative responsibilities and yearly fundraising play a crucial role in this low-cost delivery of high quality programming. We also offer limited subsidized spaces.